Fall concert, featuring works by Michael Pisaro, Antoine Beuger, Audra Wolowiec with Jesse Mejía, and Derek Ecklund
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Doors 7pm, music 7:30pm
$5–15 sliding scale
Leaven Community Center
5431 NE 20th Ave

– Michael Pisaro, “Six Stones” – A dense, multilayered composition mixing stone percussion and an electronic soundscape, featuring Loren Chasse and Matt Hannafin (percussion) and Branic Howard (percussion & electronics)

– Audra Wolowiec and Jesse Mejía, “semaphore” – The world premiere of a new choral work exploring vocal sounds and poetic subtraction from an original text, performed by Jesse Mejía and CHOIR

– Antoine Beuger, “Three Drops of Rain / East Wind / Ocean” – A spacious duo work for two instruments, one playing sustained sound, the other decaying sound, performed by Doug Theriault (guitar & electronics) and Pauline Theriault (piano)

– Derek Ecklund, “A Dip in the Columbia” – An electronic work built from field recordings made along the length of the Columbia River, performed by the composer (synthesizer, field recordings & processing)

– Tim Westcott, “A Land of Falling Waters” – A sound environment presented pre-concert and during the intermission, featuring processed and re-purposed field recordings from throughout the Cascadia bio-region.

Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1234145979991065/

The Extradition Series is a quarterly concert series presenting composed and improvised New Music and works from the 20th-century experimental tradition. The series is directed by Matt Hannafin and presented in collaboration with the Creative Music Guild.