8 NE Killingsworth
The Creative Music Guild and S1 co-present C.J. Boyd with special guests Alissa DeRubeis and Jamondria Harris
C.J. Boyd will also be teaching a workshop at S1 during the day. Click here for more info on that event.
6.8.19 / 8-11PM
All Ages
$5 general, free S1 members
Artist Bio
Bassist turned vagabond C.J. Boyd uses bass loops and voices in order to try and stop time. On perpetual tour since March 2008, movement and stasis are both at the center of his music. Weaving together improvisation with a sparse, minimalist aesthetic, Boyd creates waves of sound, worlds of provocative unlived memories through a singular approach to the upright bass and electric bass guitar that makes everything near and far.
Though solo performance takes up the bulk of his time and effort, he occasionally tours with the improvised chamber orchestra Kurva Choir and has also released music with Chris Schlarb, Eliot Lipp, Move, and his electronic alias DJ Too Slow. Past projects include Desert Center, Rhonya, Like No Tomorrow, and he’s been known to join a band for a one-off or the length of a tour, such as with Paleo (AZ), Shy Hunters (NY), Real Live Tigers (TX), and Harm (AK). All the while, he also runs a small label called Obsolete Media Objects, which has released such lovely folks as Balmorhea, Aisha Burns, Dilute, and Nelly Kate.
His non-stop musical travels have been propelled primarily by a van that runs on vegetable oil while in North America, whereas frequent European tours will find him catching trains, buses, planes, boats, and cars. But regardless of how he arrives to the gig, the music is driven by a commitment to ceaseless discovery and re-invention. His oceanic sounds provide a home for the homeless and journeys to the homebound.
C.J. Boyd
Alissa DeRubeis
Jamondria Harris
–Entry to this event comes with one raffle ticket for our 5 year anniversary raffle on 6/30 at 5PM. Items up for raffle include a fully populated 48hp 4ms Pod, a hand-built video synthesizer, gift cards and other synthy stuff.
Beyond the Low End: A Workshop with C.J. Boyd / 6.8.19
Join C.J. Boyd as he explores using the bass guitar outside its traditional role as a rhythm instrument in this intimate workshop. Techniques to be demonstrated include ebow on the bass, vibrato fret tapping, atmospheric looping, and more. Students are encouraged to come with come questions and there will be plenty of time for exploring specific topics of interest. No prior experience is required.
6.8.19 / 3PM-4PM
All Ages
$10 general, $5 S1 members
–Entry to this event comes with one raffle ticket for our 5 year anniversary raffle on 6/30 at 5PM. Items up for raffle include a fully populated 48hp 4ms Pod, a hand-built video synthesizer, gift cards and other synthy stuff.

The Extradition Series 2019 Spring Concert will take place on Saturday, April 20, 2019, featuring five experimental works that are, in one way or another, puzzles to be solved by their interpreters
> Danny Clay, “Correspondences I” (2018): Composed specifically for the Extradition Ensemble by Bay Area composer Danny Clay, the score for this piece takes the form of a large wooden box, within which are two hand-drawn packs of playing cards and three pair of dice with various performing instructions, plus a clock, a packet of wooden blocks, a packet of glass marbles, and other miscellaneous objects. The work of the performers is to shape these elements into music. The piece will be performed by Lee Elderton (clarinet), Branic Howard (guitar/electronics), Catherine Lee (oboe), Collin Oldham (cello), and Melanie Voytovich (vibraphone/percussion).
> Danny Clay, “Correspondences II” (2018): A box within the main box, for solo percussionist. The piece will be performed by Matt Hannafin.
> Raven Chacon, “…lahgo adil’i dine doo yeehosinilgii yidaaghi” (2004): A graphic score for small chamber orchestra, whose musicians are not allowed to see the music or instructions until the day of the concert—testing their ability to interpret in the moment. The piece will be performed by Matt Carlson (piano), Michael Chergosky (viola), Lee Elderton (clarinet), Sage Fisher (harp), Maxx Katz (flute), Catherine Lee (oboe), and Collin Oldham (cello).
> Glenn Sogge, For Thomas Willis on the Occasion of Music Day (May 17, 1975) (1975). Dedicated to the composer’s professor and mentor at Northwestern University, who’d organized a day-long “Music Day” on campus, with concerts, listening sessions, and other events. The piece is organized in three sections: one containing melodic fragments, one containing text fragments from Karlheinz Stockhausen’s Aus den sieben Tagen, one containing the results of chance operations. The piece will be performed by Doug Detrick (trumpet), Lee Elderton (soprano saxophone), Branic Howard (tabletop bass/guitar), Jacob Last (piano), and others to be announced.
> Alexis Porfiriadis, “Happy Notes, Sad Notes” (2012): This piece invites performers to make a group realization using at least two of the ten “episodes” provided, each of which consists of graphic symbols and a series of questions regarding how they are to be interpreted—for example, “Are these happy notes? Shall we play them?” The resultant realization should be the product of a conversation between the performers, and may not be rehearsed or played in the same manner at a subsequent concert. The piece will be performed by Loren Chasse (percussion), Brandon Conway (guitar), Sage Fisher (harp), Maxx Katz (flute), and others to be announced.
Saturday, April 20th, 2019
Leaven Community
5431 NE 20th Ave., PDX
Doors 7pm, music 7:30pm
Tickets at door, $10–$20
The Extradition Series presents concerts and recitals of 20th- and 21st-century experimental music, exploring clarity, space, sound, and silence. Extradition is curated and directed by Matt Hannafin and presented by the Creative Music Guild.
8 NE Killingsworth
8 NE Killingsworth
8 NE Killingsworth
8 NE Killingsworth
8 NE Killingsworth, PDX
8 NE Killingsworth, PDX