June 19th, 2019 — 8-10pm
$5-15, sliding scale
Turn Turn Turn
8 NE Killingsworth


ASLO is Annie Gilbert (voice, trombone) + Stephanie Lavon Trotter (voice, electronics) + Lolo Haha (voice, electronics)
Annie is a pragmatic experimentalist that has the occasional privilege of exploring sound and movement with highly respected collaborators. She playfully and intensely moves, vocalizes and toots on a trombone.

stephanie is an electro-acoustic vocal-instrument. moves and improvises by sound locationing. collects people. composes for voice, sound, light, and body. has an mfa in interdisciplinary arts. more context here: stephanielavontrotter.com

Lolo explores improvisationally with voice, electronics, and electronic voices with hopes of transforming into an alien or a dog. He has been a part of various vocal ensembles, including the Doo Wop Shop at UMass Amherst, the NYC Experimental Vocal Collective, and the local Portland community choir aptly named ‘Choir’.