Tues June 21
They Gamble MetaOrchestra:
Machado Mijiga– woodwinds, Efx
Noah Simpson– Trumpet, Efx
Michelle Alany– Violin, Efx
Alexis Mahler– Cello, Viola, Efx
Andrew Jones– Upright bass, Efx
Alex Callenberger– Sound design, keyboards
Justin Peake– Drums, Glockenspiel
Devin Jane– Projections Artist
Mike Gamble– Guitar, efx, Synth, Musical Director
Jamondria Harris– streaming dance and sound
Short narrative films and experimental videos composed and edited in real time and with improvised sonic narrations /directed orchestrations.
Desert Island
645 N Tillamook St
Portland, OR
To Attend:
Please email for a reservation
$8-? Sliding Scale FEE