October 17, 2024 — 8:00
The Fixin' To
8218 N. Lombard

Thurs 10.17 Fixin To DaMiNo / Chris Icasiano / Akila Fields & Noah Bernstein $15 8pm

Christopher Icasiano is a Filipinx-American percussionist and composer from Redmond, WA. Based now in Seattle, he has been performing and touring professionally for over 15 years. His specialization in free-improvisation and experimental music combined with his vast experience with pop and rock have made him a highly sought after collaborator in all genres of music. He co-founded the grassroots arts organization Table & Chairs, as well as the Racer Sessions, a weekly performance series and free-improvisation jam session. Christopher currently tours with Fleet Foxes, Pure bathing Culture & his long-standing drum and saxophone duo Bad Luck.


Noah Bernstein is a saxophonist/composer active in the boundless expanses of
the Portland, OR music scene. From the years 2011-2015 he toured extensively
with Oakland-based art rockers tUnE-yArDs and the Portland R&B group Shy
Girls. His duo GRAMMIES with drummer Dan Sutherland has been exploring the
intersectionality of improvisation, electronic sample-based instrumental hip hop,
avant-garde sound processing, and discreet minimalism since the two met in 2011.
Soon after moving to Portland in 2007, Bernstein hosted a long-running jazz jam
and brought Akila Fields in to be the house pianist. The two have been
collaborating ever since, from their time together as Shy Girls, to Fields’ own Palm
Dat, to features on GRAMMIES material, to, most recently, the award winning
EGOTs. Bernstein holds degrees from the Oberlin College and Conservatory in
jazz saxophone performance and creative writing. He grew up in rural Vermont
and carries with him its brooding forests and rolling hills wherever he goes.

Akila Fields is a musician, photographer, and, more recently, a filmmaker. Out of
necessity, Akila uses whatever tools are available for creative expression. As one
of his first musical collaborators upon moving to Portland, Noah and Akila have
played and toured in various acts including Shy Girls, Grammies, and most
recently, the award winning EGOTS.

Formed in Portland OR, DaMiNo embraces the principles and history of the free jazz movement and filters it through a modern perspective. All songs are freely composed on the spot, individually cycling through genres,eras, and keys at the flip of a dime. Watching this vibrant trio is a unique experience within itself, as if a matrix of sonic melding is being unfolded right in front of your eyes. The trio consists of drummer Daniel Rossi ( Illegal Son, Haley Heynderickx) Mike Gamble ( TWANS, The InBetweens and the Artistic Director the Creative Music Guild trumpeter Noah Simpson ( Ron Artis, Amos Lee, Alan Jones Quintet) They have released two EP’s on Mike Gamble’s record label As:Is within the last year, and are releasing their next series of albums this fall.
